Claire Williams

Postdoctoral Fellow
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Claire Williams was a postdoctoral fellow jointly advised by Cole Trapnell and Andrea Wills (UW Biochemistry Department). Claire used single cell sequencing approaches to investigate cytokine signaling in lung inflammation in the mouse M. musculus as well as immune-neuron immune interactions in the context of spinal cord regeneration in the frog X. tropicalis. She earned her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Washington in the lab of Jay Parrish, where she assessed the impact of tool choice on RNA-sequencing analysis to provide recommendations on best practices and uncovered a role for the epidermis in sensation in the fruit fly D. melanogaster. Prior to graduate school, I studied development of neuronal shape in the nematode C. elegans with Max Heiman at Harvard Medical School and researched injury-induced neuronal growth in the cricket G. bimaculatus at with Hadley Horch at Bowdoin College, where I earned my B.A in Neurobiology.

Claire is now a Data Scientist at Nanostring


Pulmonary osteoclast-like cells in silica induced pulmonary fibrosis